Monday, February 16, 2009


Have you ever played any games that you are the launcher of anything, such as balls*, and you got to form three balls of the same colour in order to remove them from the cycle so that you have a lesser number of balls to remove, and not be so confused, unless you are playing the endless mode? Well, this game called 'Tumblebugs' is exactly the same as what you are playing.
Tumblebugs, as the name states it, you remove bugs instead of balls from the cycle. There are many colours, and with each addition of the colours, it will mak it twice as difficult to remove all the bugs from the cycle due to the increasing number of varieties in the cycle itself. It all starts with a story, but only when you are playing story mode, that your 'buggy' friends, as they call it, gets captured by the evil Bug King. And, you know for all games of any type, you are the superhero and are supposed to save the victims in need of help, and you know... save them again.
So you are the launcher and start in the centre of the whole 'bug' cycle, and start shooting fake bugs until you get three in a row will they then fly off, making a gap in between or if both colours on both sides of the gap are of the same colour, they will attract to each other and continue the process. But if there is two bugs of the same colour on one side and one on the other, when they attract, obviously they will fly off, but give you greater points, and giving you a combo. If many combos are gained in succession, the more points you will gain.
Well, the story mode will surely some to an end, so there is a % bar at the top of the screen to indicate how much you have completed. Once you have completed to 100%, the ultimate Superbug will come and help you get rid of some bugs in the line, when advacing nearer to the end, he will 'kick out' more bugs, thus giving you an easier chance to clear off all the bugs.
But, it does not mean you are invincible and will not die. According to the story, their colony is at the centre of the whole cycle, near you, and once the first bug enters the colony, you lose a life and have to restart the whole stage again. But if you lose all your lives, you will have to restart that level all over again and your points would be reset.
Play this game, though it may not be as interesting, it certainly is not very violent and tedious as some games are.
*=Please do not get me wrong

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